Weather Themed Letter Crafts

Weather Themed Letter Crafts for Kids

Here is a look at our Weather Themed Letter Crafts that we completed as part of our Weather Preschool Unit. Each letter craft corresponds to a specific weather themed word and the items used to complete it help to describe the word.

C is for cloud letter craft

Simply take some cotton balls, pull apart and glue to a Letter C and attach to a blue background.


W is for wind letter craft

I was originally just going to have Little Miss draw swirlies on the letter W to indicate wind, but the day we were completing this Little Man had found some balloon string we used last year for an activity and I decided to cut up pieces and have Little Miss Glue them on to the W so we could blow them and make them move to represent wind.


R is for rain letter craft

R is for Rain and Raindrops. I drew some raindrop shapes on a piece of paper and Little Miss painted inside each one of them with some blue paint. This allowed her to practice staying inside a smaller space. She did great and once they were dry I cut them out and she used our trusty purple Elmer’s glue stick and glued them on.


S is for sun letter craft

This one turned into a “use our scraps from our scrap bin and make a pattern around our Letter S to create a sun” craft. Little Miss immediately recognized that the sun’s rays were triangles. She is extremely careful to line things up and did an excellent job. We are still working on patterns, but I know the more we work on them, the easier they will get for her.


S is for snow letter craft

This one was the most fun, because Little Miss got to snack while she worked. Simply cut out a Letter S and glue some little mini marshmallows on and Wah-la snow Covered Letter S.


K is for Kite letter craft

Our K is for Kite craft went along perfectly with our Kite Day story. I cut out a diamond and Little Miss glued on the letter K. We then took some scrap ribbon we had, attached it to the back and I then quickly cut out a simple bow shape and Little Miss attached to the kite tail. She wanted to take it outside to try and fly it, but instead Little Man got ahold of it and ripped it. I tried fixing it as best as I could and she decided we better just hang it on the wall so it didn’t get ruined anymore. Our first of Im sure many activity casualties.


W is for WEather letter craft

We finished off our first month of letter crafts with a Letter W is for Weather Coloring page. I simply took some of my weather clipart and added the white lines to a big letter W and Little Miss colored it. This was a great way to recap everything we had learned about weather. (Please note this was one I colored after the fact because I forgot to get a picture before it was written all over with her fairy pen.)


Weather Themed Letter Crafts for Kids



While these crafts were fun, this is something that we will only be completing off and on from now on. At 3 years old, Little Miss didn’t quite understand the idea behind creating them. I want everything we do to be meaningful for her. We will continue exploring letters within the context of our units though, just not always completing a letter craft.


Looking for more Weather themed learning fun. Be sure to check out all of our other Weather Themed Preschool Posts for more learning inspiration.


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