February Tot School Plans & Supplies

It’s almost February which means another month of Tot School activities and plans. This month we will be doing activities for Groundhog’s Day/Shadows, Valentines Day/Hearts, Red/Pink, & Music.
These February tot school curriculum plans will help you prepare for an entire month of learning fun with your littlest toddler. Themes include Shadows/Groudhog's Day, Valentine's Day/Heart, Pink/Red, and Music. There are many great toddler learning activities including fine motor activities, gross motor activities, crafts for kids, sensory activities, and fun food ideas. Supplies for the entire month are also included.
If you are new,  you can check out our Gearing Up for Tot School Post which tells you all about the themes we plan to use this year, as well as some important information on how you to can start tot school  with your child/children. You can also snag several free printable files to help make managing tot school easier for you.
Each month we will share our weekly themes with you. At the end of each week we plan to do a weekly recap of the activities from that week.  We will be checking in on Facebook and Instagram all throughout the week to share the fun we are up to so be sure to hop over and follow us to get a sneak peek at all our activities.
I use Pinterest for planning so many of our activities can be found on our themed boards: Groundhog’s Day, Valentine’s For Kids and Music Activities. (Pink and Red activities do not have a designated board at this time.) You can download our plans in pdf form by clicking on any of the pictures below or by clicking HERE.

February Supplies & Resources
For each theme, I plan out all of our activities and then go “shopping” for our supplies. In order to make sure I gather everything needed for all of our activities, I created and use this supply sheet to write down everything needed for the week/month. You can read more about how I gather and organize all our supplies for our themed activities in our Gearing Up for Tot School post.
I have rounded up all of the supplies you will need to complete all of the activities listed on our weekly themed activity sheets above. As stated in my Gearing Up for Tot School post, I try to pick activities that I already have a bunch of supplies for, as well as activities that the supplies can be reused multiple times. This helps save you money. Tot School does NOT have to be expensive. A lot of the items on the supply list are things you may have around the house already. You may also be able to supplement something else you already have. Get creative. I have included Amazon Afilliate links for your convenience (read my full disclosure HERE), but you can also find the majority of these items at places like Walmart and craft stores. I personally find it easier and cheaper to buy in bulk from Amazon so that is where I will link to.
There is always a possibility  I will find some additional resources that I end up using for each theme, like songs and videos.  If I do use additional resources I will update this blog post,  as well as include them in our weekly recap posts.
BOOKS // There are so many books to choose from for all the themes. These are just some of my favorites and ones I had or was able to acquire. Activities are not specifically focused on any one book so feel free to supplement with your own books. We tend to read many each day anyway so I didn’t want to designate one book a day.
Groundhog’s Day by Gail Gibbons
Groundhog Gets A Say by Pamela Curtis Swallow
Ten Grouchy Groundhogs by Kathryn Heling
Who Will See Their Shadows This Year by Jerry Pallota
Substitute Groundhog by Pat Miller & Kathi Ember
Roses Are Pink Your Feet Really Stink Diane deGroat
Llama Llama I Love You by Anna Dewdney
The Day It Rained Hearts Felicia Bond
Happy Valentine’s Day Mouse by Laura Numeroff
The Biggest Valentine Ever by Steven Kroll
Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney
Red Is Best by Kathy Stinson
The Little Red Hen by Byron Barton
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey & Don Wood
Pinkalicious by Victoria & Elizabeth Kann
Pink by Lynne Rickards
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt By Helen Oxenbury

-glue sticks
-construction paper
-washable tempera paints
-playdoh {Making It Myself}
-pipe cleaners
-googly eyes                                                              
- misc. brown pom poms
-pink and red heart gems (Dollar Tree)
-foam hearts
-paper/doily hearts
-washi tape/painter’s tape
-red ribbon
-dowel rod/wooden ring
-popscicle sticks: Jumbo & Regular
-colored popscicle sticks
-misc. household objects that can be traced and matched
-spray bottle
-paper plates
-veggie tray
-heart picks
-paper towel/wrapping paper tubes
-bubble wrap
-contact paper
-fake pink flowers
-red balls
-misc. red and pink items
-pink clothes
-plastic bottles
-laundry basket/bucket
-red dish scrubber
-bubble bath
-tiny pouring pitchers
-musical toy
-plastic eggs
-bottle caps
-misc. sensory items to go along with We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
-heart shaped cookie cutters

-Pandora Toddler Station
-If You’re Happy and You Know It
-Misc. Music all week
-black and white matching shapes
-paper hearts/paper hearts with directions on them
That about does it for our February Tot School Plans. Each week we will dive into tons of fun and share a recap with you before the start of the next week. Please feel free to ask any questions and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to see peeks into our week.
Be sure to check out all of our Tot School Posts. Each week I will add links to our themed recap posts.
Valentine’s Day/Hearts

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