Yet another fun and exciting week with this week learning all about Penguins. What fun little creatures penguins are.
Here is a peek at what our penguin week looked like including books, fine and gross motor activities, sensory and art activities, and fun themed snacks.
That’s Not My Penguin by Fiona Watt
Penguin Says Please by Michael Dahl
The Emperors Egg by Martin Jenkins
Penguin Pete by Marcus Pfister
If You Were A Penguin by Florence Minor
10 Little Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental
Paint Penguin Rocks: I set up this invitation to paint for Little Miss using black tempera paint. She loved painting these little guys. Once they were dry I added the details and she used them the rest of the week to play with and tell penguin stories.
Fine Motor Build A Penguin Bottle Craft: I used an old plastic water bottle and created a fun penguin out of him. I set up a fine motor invitation for Little Miss. She took pom poms and pushed them through the bottle. The opening on the bottle was small so this provided more difficulty for her which is just what she needed.
Toilet Paper Roll Penguin Pom Pom Transfer: We brought out the tongs again and practiced trasnferring pom poms and cotton balls from one tp roll to the other. She ended up using her hands most of the time, but she loved the added fun with the toilet paper roll penguins.
Penguin Dance: This was one of my favorite songs/dances to do when I was teaching and I finally got to introduce it to Little Miss. She wasn’t exactly sure what to think of it though and just stared mesmerized. She did want me to play it over and over again though so I know she liked it.
Penguin Waddle: This was so funny to watch. Little Miss is on the tiny side for her age so seeing her try to stick a balloon in between her legs was hysterical. She managed to waddle in circles, but she had a blast.
Feed the Penguin Fish Toss: After creating this little guy I couldn’t bring myself to cut a hole in him so we practiced our throwing skills and threw the fish at him to try to knock him over instead. Weused little felt fish I created as part of a magnetic fishing pole game for Little Miss for Easter last year. I used acrylic paint and cardboard to create the penguin.
One of our extra activities this week was doing some finger plays with a 5 Little Penguins glove I created. I had Mr. Mac-n-Taters pick up a 98 cent pair of black gloves from the store and I painted some little penguin guys on each finger. We made up songs and finger plays all week long.
Dish Scraper Penguin Paint: This invitation to paint was super fun for Little Miss. She used a dish scrubber I picked up at the Dollar Tree and some white paint and made the penguin’s belly white. She loved stamping his belly over and over again and wanted more paint when she ran out. I added the finishing touches to him once he was dry.
Footprint Penguin Craft: Talk about ticklish feet. This one had Little Miss giggling and figeting as I painted her foot and then proceeded to wipe it off. We had to make sure we got between the toes which produced lots of extra laughs on her part.
Penguin Snowglobe: You can read all about how we made our snowglobe on our Penguin Snowglobe post.
Penguin Small World Play/Shaving Cream Penguin Fun: I combined these two and for our penguins we used the rocks she painted on Monday. I wasn’t thinking, but the tempera paint we used is washable so when the rocks met the ice and shaving cream we added to the bin, the poor rocks no longer look like penguins, but rather rocks with orange dots (as the orange was acrylic). I added ice from our freezer, shaving cream for snow, and the ice blocks from the “Don’t Break the Ice” game. She LOVED this and the mess she got to make.
Goldfish in our Penguin Snack Cup: You can check out our post on how we made the cup. Snacks are always better in fun snack cups.
Clemetine Penguin and Fishies: To make him I took a clementine and cut off some of the skin to form his “white” belly and then used that skin to make his feet. I cut some slits in the skin for his wings and then drew on his eyes with a sharpie and added some gold fish. Little Miss was able to more easily peel the rest of her clementine since some of it was started for her.
Penguin Fishing in Jello: I whipped up some blue jello a couple days in advance and added a cute little penguin I printed and colored and a fishing pole made from string and a toothpick as well as some fishies to make this fun Penguin Fishing themed snack. This was her first time having jello.
Penguin Sandwich: I used my pampered chef sandwich crimper to create the circle shape and then used American cheese for his belly.
Oreo Cookie Penguin: And the week wouldn’t have been complete without bringing out the cookies and making some oreo cookie penguins.
Such a fun week making penguin crafts, pretending to be penguins, and eating penguin themed snacks.
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