To finish off our PREPARING FOR BABY #2 SERIES, I am going to talk about some of my must have baby items that were truly a lifesaver for me as a new mom and I am sure will be just as important, if not more, as a second time mom.
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These are all excellent items to add to a Baby Registry. You may not need everything on this list, but it will give you a great idea of where to start when registering. I have broken them down into themed lists. If you are anything like me, you like to keep things/ideas organized into categories when it comes to planning.
Avent Washable Nursing Pads | Nipple shield | Burp Rags | Nursing bras/tanks | Coconut Oil | Hand Pump | Bottles | Electric Pump | Breastmilk Storage Trays | Gallon/Quart Storage Bags | Boppy Pillow | Bibs | Nursing Cover
I had a difficult time getting Little Miss to latch so we ended up needing to use the nipple shield in the beginning and after a few months was able to wean her off of it. We didn’t know about them in the beginning so I was exclusively pumping for a couple months, so this time around I have one ready to go just in case we experience similar issues.
For me I chose to store my breastmilk in ice cube trays and then transfer the cubes to ziploc baggies. I liked this idea better than having a ton of different breastmilk storage baggies which I am sure was harder to dump into. Many choose to use the bags and that is fine too. I wanted to offer another alternative to the bags.
Car seat: Infant & Convertible| Car Seat Cover | Swing | Pack n Play | Portable Bassinet | Baby Wrap Baby Carrier | Double Stroller | Playmat | Exersaucer | Jumper | Bumbo | Crib | Rock n Play
You may choose to just start out with the convertible baby seat or you may choose to use an infant seat for a while, which is what we chose to do especially since our babies have both been born during winter. Just whatever you do, do not forget to purchase your first child a car seat if you only have one and are having your second. We thankfully had both already since our little one was already in her convertible so little brother had the infant seat all to himself…and her doll babies.
Binkies | Burp Rags | Sleep Sacks | Swaddle Blankets | Rear View Mirror (x2 if this is your second) | Diaper Bag | Humidifier Changing Pad | Sound Machine | Car Sun Shades | Monitor | Baby Gates
I linked to the Angelcare movement and sound monitor as that is what we had for Little Miss and will use for our little guy as well; however, we also recently bought these Foscam video monitors, which are actually security monitors, so that we are able to see our little ones in their rooms. I love these monitors because I can turn the sound on and off as well as turn on a speaker that allows me to talk to them if I need to say something (like telling the toddler to lay down and sleep during naptime).
Bath Tub | Blooming Bath | Towels | Washcloths | Bath Toys | Shampoo, Soap, Lotion
And do not forget about taking care of yourself as well. If you do not take care of yourself properly you will not be able to take care of your baby properly.
Pads | Water bottle | Nipple Cream | Motrin | Stepstool | Tucks Pads | Numbing Spray | Snacks
You may wonder what the step stool is for. On the way home with Little Miss we had the eureka that our bed is rather high and I may have a hard time getting in and out of it without having pain from giving birth. The step stool was a lifesaver for us so if you have a high bed you may consider adding this to your to get list.
I hope these lists become a good start for you whether you are on baby number one or your second or third.
Be sure to start your Amazon baby registry. You can get a completion discount for all the remaining items on your registry as your baby’s due date draws near for even more savings and if you have Amazon Prime/Family you can save even more.
Thanks for the great list! I love all your input on what u love! I was looking at baby monitors I will have to show hubby the ones u have! Thanks