As part of our Farm animal themed activities, we have been talking about the different farm animals and trying to do activities based around each of the more popular farm animals. I always love being able to incorporate Montessori inspired activities into our days. During our talks about chickens we learned that they like to eat corn and since our little chickens were oh so very hungry we needed to feed them.
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This spoon transfer work is perfect for little ones working on transferring skills. To set it up you need some dry corn (we use the popping corn for homemade popcorn), some bowls, spoon, and for some added fun some chicken figurines.
Set up the tray for your little one and let them go to town on the feeding the chickens. Little Miss LOVED that we added chickens and she kept saying “I feedin my kickens” over and over. She loved it.
This activity develops the skill of spooning and indirectly promotes coordination of a child’s movements and development of coordination.
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