Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work

Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work Tray

Transfer work is a great practical life activity for children that works on the coordination of the child’s movements and development of concentration. Using different weights and mediums of objects allows children to explore these concepts as well. As part of our farm themed activities we learned about sheep and how sheep give us wool which we can use for other things, like making clothes.

Little Miss enjoys transferring things from one container to another so transfer work is always one of her go to activities when I put out new shelf work.

Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work Tray

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I used our Wilton cake pan and added some white cotton balls (could also use white pom poms) and some black pom poms. For some added fun, I tossed in a couple sheep figure toys we have. I wanted to give Little Miss2 the option to choose a spooning transfer work or a tonging transfer work so I gave her both a spoon and some tongs. The tons we used are just cheap 97 cent ice party tongs I picked up at Walmart. They are perfect for her at this stage of her fine motor development.

Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work Tray

Little Miss chose to use the tongs and loved transferring the cotton balls and pom poms into her bowl. She played around with the sheep a bit and loved telling me that she was “shirring” her sheep.

Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work Tray 


Montessori Inspired Sheep Wool Transfer Work Tray

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