Our themed activity mats are a great way to practice numerous skills in a fun hands one way all in one place. These mats can be as simple or as creative as you would like. I love actually drawing out a shape, and our B is for Bones activity mat for our Dinosaur Preschool unit just screamed “Turn me into a bone.” and that is just what I did.
The activities included on this mat are:
Qtip Dinosaur Skeltons-Can I just say how awesome it was to watch as Little Miss 3 constructed her dinosaur. Each qtip she laid down was intricately placed and was definitely planned. Little people sure can teach you so much just by watching them.
Color the Letter B
Trace Bb and the number 2
Dinosaur Bone Puzzle-For this activity I used our salt dough dinosaur bones I created for our sensory bin and traced them onto the paper and she then had to match them up.
Dab the Letter Bb
Build the Letter Bb using playdough.
Little Man 16 months loves sitting in on our activity mats and after sister is done doing her thing he gets to use the supplies to do his own “activities” on the sheet. Little Miss 3 also added her own activities like tracing all the letter Bbs and trying to draw some of her very own.
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