Corduroy Number Sense Activities for Preschool

Like I mentioned in our Corduroy Math and Literacy Centers post, we absolutely love the Corduroy book in our house. Today I am sharing with you all of the number sense activities we completed during our Corduroy unit to help us learn numbers one through ten. Most of our Corduroy unit came from our Play and Learn Preschool Curriculum.

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This post includes all of the number and counting activities we did as part of our Corduroy unit.

Corduroy: Number Sense Activities-Counting To 10 and Number 1 activities

All of our activities we completed were engaging and made learning numbers and counting fun for my little learners.

Corduroy: 10 Frame Counting Mat

10 FRAME BUTTON COUNTING: For this activity, we used buttons and a ten frame counting mat I created to practice counting out amounts on a ten frame.

Corduroy: Grab and Count Buttons Counting Activity

GRAB AND COUNT BUTTONS: This activity is simple yet effective. I filled a small basket with 10 buttons, since we are only focusing on counting objects to 10. Miss 4 would grab a handful, lay them out, and then count how many she had. She would then add the buttons back into the basket and repeat, each time grabbing a different amount of buttons. 

Corduroy: Roll and Count Buttons Counting Activity

ROLL AND COUNT BEARS: For this counting activity we used our Learning Resources counting bears and a dice. Miss 4 would roll the die, identify the number, and then grab counting bears and count out the corresponding amount. This was perfect for subitizing the number on the die and for counting out a quantity. 

Corduroy: Bear Counting Mats Counting Activity

COUNTING BEAR MATS: This activity was a favorite of both Miss 4 and Mr. 2.5 (who did it alongside big sister). I printed and laminated the bear number mats from the Corduroy activity pack, laid out the cards, and the kids used buttons to count out the correct number. Miss 4 would identify the number and together they worked to use the buttons to count out the correct amount. 

Corduroy: Find & Cover Number 1 Number Identification Activity

FIND AND COVER NUMBER 1: The focus number for our Corduroy unit was the number 1. I printed a copy of our Find and Cover Number 1 mat and used a green (focus color) dot marker to find and cover all of the number 1s on the sheet. You can use these Find and Cover Mats in so many different ways with different covering manipulatives. 

Corduroy: Sandpaper Number 1 Trace

SANDPAPER TRACE NUMBER 1: This one is a simple yet effective sensory number writing activity to help children learn how the number "feels" and is an excellent prewriting activity. Simply take a piece of sandpaper and use a sharpie marker to write a number 1 on it. Miss 4 then used her finger to trace the number 1 several times. She then wrote several number 1s on a piece of paper. 

Corduroy: Trace & Count Playdough Mats

TRACE AND COUNT NUMBER 1: We continued our focus on the number 1 using some Trace and Count Mats I created. For this activity, I have all of the trace and count mats laminated and bound with my Proclick binding machine. Miss 4 used a dry erase marker to trace the number 1 and then used a ball of playdough to count out 1 on the ten frame. You can use any manipulative to fill in the ten frame. We love using playdough balls for these types of activities for the extra fun sensory experience. 

Corduroy: Dot Marker Trace/Write Number 1

DOT MARKER TRACE/WRITE NUMBER 1: We love using our dot markers for our activities. Miss 4 used the green dot marker to create a number 1 on the paper.

Once again, we had an absolute blast playing and learning alongside Corduroy!!!

Grab Your Unit & Get Started Playing & Learning

Check out all of the activities we completed as part of our Corduroy unit and grab your plans and printables so you can get started playing and learning with your kids.

Corduroy Unit Plans and Printables for Preschool

Or grab the entire mega bundle.


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